SigmaHQ on Twitter discovered Tiptree ketchup, to go along with the famous Tiptree marmalade.

It turns out there’s an entire @tiptree hashtag on Twitter, unrelated to us, with all kinds of fun items, so check them out or stay tuned here.
In keeping with our mission of making trouble, the folks at the Worlds Without End blog had to redesign their structure to include us:
The biggest hurdle was to update the site to accept short fiction — where before we only had full length books — because the Tiptree is a mix of novels and short fiction in the same award. After that came a lot of data entry to get all the books, especially the new short fiction, and dozens of new authors into the site — a task taken up by our Uber User members so three cheers for them!
As much as we like causing trouble, we are sorry when our friends have to do it. And having just done all that database work ourselves to get this site up, we know how much work it is! Thanks, WWE folks.
Worlds Without End is an awesome site, with all kinds of resources and suggestions. Take a look at their “Roll Your Own Reading Challenge.”
And, finally, you can buy the awesome Letters to Tiptree e-book for ONE DOLLAR!

This volume, edited by Alexandra Pierce and Alisa Krasnostein, includes letters from at least six award winners and one motherboard member. And so many other great contributions! A paperback print version is available here.